
  Our Services

Wealth Planning and Investment

Markets rise and fall but our investment strategy ensures you are prepared for any eventuality. Portfolios will be constructed in such a way as to fulfill your investment objectives, but firmly keeping in mind risk tolerance and your cash-flow needs. Diversification across asset classes limits risk while increasing returns, and it is a central tenet of our investment philosophy at Nour Private Wealth. Our team will constantly monitor your portfolio, making the appropriate adjustments when necessary. Your wealth management is your future, so any key changes to your portfolio will be discussed with you personally on a consistent basis.

  Our Services

Wealth Planning:

An Integrated Approach

In creating your personalized wealth plan, we take into account multiple factors, including investment goals, risk tolerance, tax exposure, estate options, and legal considerations. Using an integrated team approach, we provide specialized investment managers, tax lawyers, estate planners, and accountants to create a wealth plan unique to you.

No wealth plan Lasts Forever

The parameters affecting your wealth, such as market conditions, interest rates, tax, and estate laws, periodically change. Through frequent interactions with our clients, we bring timely information to you that can potentially affect your plan.

Personal circumstances are frequently in flux, too, with factors like an inheritance, a change of career, marriage, retirement, a birth, or death having significant consequences for your finances. It is our role to keep up-to-date about the different stages of your life in order to incorporate any changes into your dedicated wealth plan.

Tax Planning

Tax strategy plays a significant role in your overall wealth plan. We regularly review the tax impact on retirement accounts and non-registered portfolio holdings for our clients. Minimizing the tax burden of your portfolio demands a thorough knowledge of complex Canadian tax laws and how they impact your particular circumstances.

To supplement our expertise in taxation, we routinely use tax lawyers to construct an ideal plan for each client. These services include but are not limited to: incorporating professionals, family trusts, spousal trust, holding companies, and estate freezes.

Retirement Planning

Understanding and managing the financial implications of your retirement is one of the most complex economic challenges you will ever face. Our financial analysis begins with analyzing the structure of your retirement savings (registered versus non-registered), projecting your retirement income, and finally, advising you on the tax ramifications of your situation. The results of this analysis will allow us to:

Recommend strategies that best suit your income tax, investment, estate, and cash flow planning situations.
Provide you with a retirement lifestyle analysis that will incorporate your sources of income, required and potential spending needs, various economic scenarios, and tax considerations into a long-term cash flow plan. Determine elections for your retirement plans, including lump sum payouts versus annuities and joint survivor versus single-life distribution arrangements.

Estate Planning

After a lifetime of diligent investing, proper estate planning will ensure all the hard work of building your estate will not go to waste. Our strategy will take care of your needs and eventually pass on your legacy to the next generation.

Proper estate planning requires careful attention to your changing circumstances to ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Elements to be considered in your estate plan include investment planning, taxation, wills and mandates, living wills, and trusts.

  Our Services


Even the best-laid plans can be undone in a moment after an unforeseen event. *Insurance is the protection against such an event and is central to any wealth plan. Depending on the type of *insurance you purchase, you or your beneficiaries receive a cash benefit if you suffer a disability, become ill or die.

Looking for the right *insurance product and determining the right amount of coverage can sometimes become overwhelming. That is where our team of *insurance experts at Nour Insurance Services Inc. come in, providing you the guidance you need to decide what product suits your needs best. Whether it’s family protection, income protection, business continuity, wealth accumulation, or estate preservation, we can help you develop a strategy ideal for you and your family.

Life *Insurance

  • Term – flexible and affordable protection coverage for a specified period.
  • Whole life – guaranteed, reliable, permanent protection that builds cash value over time.
  • Universal life – permanent protection with tax-advantaged investment growth.
  • Synergy – a unique-solution that combines a life, a critical illness, and a disability *insurance policy all in one affordable package.

Health *Insurance

  • Disability *insurance – monthly benefit providing income protection if you’re unable to work due to injury or illness.
  • Critical illness *insurance – lump sum benefit if you’re diagnosed with a covered critical illness (provided after a standard waiting period).
  • Long-term care *insurance – helps pay for long-term care and services to protect your retirement savings and investments.
  • Synergy – unique solution combining life, critical illness and disability *insurance in one affordable package.
  • Health and dental *insurance – individual health and dental plans to help cover routine and unexpected health care expenses not covered by the Government Health Insurance Plan.
  • Travel *Insurance – offers coverage for unexpected emergency medical expenses while you are traveling abroad.

*Insurance products and services are offered through Nour Insurance Services Inc., a related and separate company from Nour Private Wealth Inc. Only products and services offered through Nour Private Wealth Inc. are covered by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

  Our Services

Group Benefits:

Nour Private Wealth is dedicated to the high-net-worth segment, and as such, many of our clients are entrepreneurs and business owners. For that reason, we understand the importance of the right employee benefits solution for your business. We deliver group benefits plans and services that are flexible, innovative, and anticipate your needs. In providing this service, we also minimize administration for you so you can devote your time to your own business.

Nour Private Wealth is a leader in the group benefits space, servicing businesses of all sizes. Many Canadian employers trust us to deliver their employee benefit programs. As your business grows, our team will ensure you are adequately prepared while keeping your benefits plan current and competitively priced.

Small Business (Less than 51 employees)

As a small business owner, you will face a series of unique challenges every day. These challenges evolve as your business grows and establishes itself. Our small business solutions can help you whether you need a straightforward plan that’s easy for your employees to use and understand, or if you seek a more comprehensive selection of benefits products and services with greater flexibility for your company.

We assist business owners with everything from managing business costs to attracting the best employees and growing personal wealth. Our group benefits programs for small businesses are affordable and can be tailored to meet your company’s specific needs. A benefits program will give your firm a competitive advantage in the job market as a cost-effective method to protect employees and their families with a tax-effective form of compensation.

Medium / Large Business (51+ employees)

For larger enterprises, from mid-sized to corporate, our extensive service network stretches right across Canada. Our broad and customizable product suite is comprehensive and flexible to meet your requirements now and in the future. Our solutions are developed with best-of-class partners who are specialists in their field.

Nour Private Wealth utilizes a hands-on approach to disability management, which means employees can return faster to work. Our reporting tools analyze disability claims, so our practical approach to health management protects your business. Our focus on prevention and intervention is designed to help you see healthier, more engaged, and productive employees. By matching benefits and support for health, absence, and workplace injury with intensive claims management, your plan will ultimately be sustainable in the long run.

Industry associations and union groups

At Nour Private Wealth, our clients include multi-employer trade unions, as well as teachers and public-sector trust funds. Our team matches your needs with quality products, consistent and conscientious service, as well as flexible underwriting.

Your members will have the advantage of working with our team of in-house experts. Their training in subjects like our banks, collective bargaining, reciprocal agreements, and legislative changes give them the skills to properly understand your industry.

Nour Private Wealth is sensitive to the influence of union and management negotiations on benefit plans. As a result, we will do all we can to support the negotiation process, including accommodating those discussions through our rating actions and the timing of rate adjustments. We will also work closely with third-party administrators on day-to-day service issues such as claims eligibility and premium administration.

  Our Services

Group Pension:

At Nour Private Wealth, we offer convenient retirement savings options to companies with full-time employees. Business owners will have access to a variety of flexible retirement-savings solutions, including:

  • Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans (Quebec only)
  • Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPP)
  • Defined Contributions Pension Plans
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans
  • Deferred Profit-Sharing Plans
  • Non-Registered Savings Plans
  • Employee Share Ownership Plans
  • Investment only services for Defined Benefit Plans
  • Individual Pension Plans

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